Kalligram Publishing House &
The Institute of Broken and Reduced Langauges 1999
a collection of quotations, annually compiled from readings
language catching attention
joining all writing together, withdrawing names
lines separated through boldness of print
quotations braided, words from quotations, interlaced
pouring into a large pool
a disjointing of language, ideas deliberately disrupted
moving through the pages of mixed messages
cutting and dividing, separating and transforming
the paring begins
a breaking down of fragments into smaller fragments
an elimination of all excess
a delineation of degrees of non-sense
standing at attention before the inadvertently enigmatic
a patience with lines lightly tugging
cutting away and tossing to the side
locating pattern, suggestions of pattern
retrieving that which lies mixed among the lines
a search for subtle cohesion
a collaboration with language, the language of others
arriving upon a sustainable image
not a single word my own
a moment's attention, a brief reflection, a passing insight
an abbreviated constellation of thought
intimations, suggestions, provocations
stones gathered from the shores of Lake Michigan
printing onto paper, the paper pasted onto stone
gathering and arranging, shoring fragments
paper and stone, stone and paper
a collection of quotations, annually compiled from readings
language catching attention
joining all writing together, withdrawing names
lines separated through boldness of print
quotations braided, words from quotations, interlaced
pouring into a large pool
a disjointing of language, ideas deliberately disrupted
moving through the pages of mixed messages
cutting and dividing, separating and transforming
the paring begins
a breaking down of fragments into smaller fragments
an elimination of all excess
a delineation of degrees of non-sense
standing at attention before the inadvertently enigmatic
a patience with lines lightly tugging
cutting away and tossing to the side
locating pattern, suggestions of pattern
retrieving that which lies mixed among the lines
a search for subtle cohesion
a collaboration with language, the language of others
arriving upon a sustainable image
not a single word my own
a moment's attention, a brief reflection, a passing insight
an abbreviated constellation of thought
intimations, suggestions, provocations
stones gathered from the shores of Lake Michigan
printing onto paper, the paper pasted onto stone
gathering and arranging, shoring fragments
paper and stone, stone and paper
Copyright © 2019 Clark Lunberry. All rights reserved.